Visage is an information visualization tool developed at MAYA in the 1990s that is still one of the few truly information-centric* paradigms in existence today. This demonstration uses a stripped-down prototype version of Visage to illustrate a particularly important concept from Trillions called “Polymorphism.” Simply put, polymorphism is the idea that an information object (i.e…a thing) can look different depending on what you use to look at it.
For example, in the table on the left are some information objects. If you drag one object from the table onto the map (go ahead…try it), it displays on the map. How does it do this, you ask? Well maps understand certain things. Particularly, they understand latitude and longitude. So when the map looks at an object, it says, “oh! I know what lat and lon are and how to display them!” So it displays the object using the information it understands, ignoring the information it doesn’t understand. Importantly though, that extra information is not deleted…it remains part of the object. It’s just not used in this particular case.
Similarly, if you drag an object onto the bar chart, it just displays the population. The bar chart knows how to display numbers. So when it sees a number for population, it displays that and ignores everything else (how does it know not to display lat and lon?).
So go ahead and play with it. Drag the objects from one visualization to another, and see how they display differently, but do not actually change in any way. You can also hold the Shift key while you are dragging to “clone” the object. That way you can look at it through multiple lenses at the same time.
*Information-centricity: Notice that in Visage, what you are working with are information objects. The different visualizations could be thought of as “applications,” but they are not the fundamental thing that you interact with. The spreadsheet could be thought of as a “document,” but the focus is on directly manipulating the individual rows…the information objects themselves.
エルメス 激安 コピー / April 29, 2019
バレンシアガ コピー / May 30, 2019
コピーブランド アルマーニ ネクタイ
ブランド 通販 / February 24, 2020
今度の大人気限定品CHROME HEARTSクロムハーツ偽物キャップ【TRUCKER CAP/トラッカーキャップ】帽子が登場した。ブランド 通販 激安しっかりと刺繍の施された、一年を通して愛用し続けられるクロムハーツ帽子新作です。洗練された大人の自分を演出してくれ、つまりは適応能力が高いということ。 HEARTS スーパーコピー高い耐久性があり、オールシーズン着こなせる人気のメッシュキャップです。表面にはっきりロゴが刺繍されて、本物とほぼ同じぐらい紛らわしいです。手持ちのファッションにすごくよくあっていますよ。コーチ スーパー コピー
抱き枕カバー / May 8, 2020
ぬいぐるみ 抱い て 寝る 心理 クッションのオリジナルプリント,好きな方を抱き枕にして安らかなねむりを!ご相談の方法は簡単,ラインで友達登録後,トーク画面で話しかけて頂きますと,お返事させ頂きます,親切丁寧な対応,印刷がきれい,納品がはやい,等身大抱き枕の制作もOK!